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Sergey Levine
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Latest publications
Is anyone there? learning a planner contingent on perceptual uncertainty
Hybrid imitative planning with geometric and predictive costs in off-road environments
Offline reinforcement learning for visual navigation
Contingencies from observations: Tractable contingency planning with learned behavior models
Explore and control with adversarial surprise
Information is power: Intrinsic control via information capture
Inverting the pose forecasting pipeline with SPF2: Sequential pointcloud forecasting for sequential pose forecasting
Rapid exploration for open-world navigation with latent goal models
Ving: Learning open-world navigation with visual goals
Can autonomous vehicles identify, recover from, and adapt to distribution shifts?
Conservative safety critics for exploration
Deep Imitative Models for Flexible Inference, Planning, and Control
Parrot: Data-driven behavioral priors for reinforcement learning
PRECOG: PREdiction Conditioned On Goals in Visual Multi-Agent Settings
SMiRL: Surprise Minimizing RL in Dynamic Environments